
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Performance by brothers Rick & Andy Ausland"Buckets & Tap Shoes" performance at Washington State Comm College. Reminiscent of "Stomp". Very high energy, entertaining and great fun. Stephen & Hailey loved it; Stephen plays drums and Hailey takes tap dance lessons.

Snowy Saturday

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The railroad tracks behind my house:
The snow was just right for packing:

The back of my house as seen from the woods:
Greg's RZR (how we got the the back of the woods)
Sliding down the hill without a sled, making snow angels, snow-person and shoveling part of my driveway made for a good morning.

Weekend fun

Monday, February 22, 2010

Went to a quilt show at Marietta College with Joyce, her daughter Missy & grandson Conner. Girls had a great time; boy not so much. Then checked out a new quilt shop at a friend's recommendation--it was great.

At the theatre

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Really good.


During the recent area director visit to the office.

Cabin Fever

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Too snowy, icy and cold to do much. Just work, read and play Webkinz. Can't wait until spring.

It was a BALL!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Princess Laura and Prince Charming Daddy.
The Sleeping Beauty dress I made for Laura especially for the daddy-daughter ball. One of the games they played was searching for daddy's shoes in the middle of the pile. Laura found a pair that looked just like Robert's only 4 sizes too small.

It's snow good.

Snow storm in Mansfield; about a foot overnight.
Spencer, Alec, Benton.
Building a snow fort.
Playing in the snow; Laura's building her own snow fort.
Katie's after the snow storm. We had to change plans. Instead of going snow tubing, we played at home. Instead of Laura's birthday party, it's postponed for next week.

Big #5

Laura's birthday
Making a wish and blowing out the candles.