Laura at ice-skating show

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our little star!  We were afraid we'd have to have the Zamboni sweep her off the ice, she wanted to stay.

Marietta Merchants & Artists Walk

Heather & Joyce at their booth. "One of a kind"

Amy horse-back riding

Quilt machine

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sheryl assembling long arm quilt machine in preparation for starting my own business.

New haircut

Home again, home again.  Got hair cut and donated 10" for cancer patients wigs.

Amy turns 30

 Amy takes riding lessons; therefore--a riding trail
 She asked for an all-vegetarian spread
Making a wish and blowing out the candles. Happy birthday to my baby.

The End of the Road

 I-80 Truckstop: the largest in the US
 Arlington to visit Max's grave
Atlantic Ocean: toes in both oceans on either side of the continent.  Sun, surf & sand.  Nice day.

Nauvoo IL

 Square dancing band
 Tartan kilts & bag  pipes
 Young girls in long dresses around an electric fan, quite comical.
 Working on a comforter
Temple in Nauvoo.  It's easy to see why the early saints settled here.