The Page turners

Friday, August 27, 2010

Morgan, Siara & Adelaide started a book club, named it "The Page turners" and voted me as president. I asked if I could be queen but they said no it was democracy. ;-) We all read the book "Wings" by April Lynn Pike, dressed up as faeries and had a lively discussion. Mary joined us from Scotland via web cam then the moms had refreshments with us at the end. What a great group of girls.



Mom it was so fun to be there via webcam! The girls looked great, and I love that one of them dressed as Tamani!!!! Such creative girls!! What a great idea for you to get together a book club for them! You're perfect for the job!

I can't wait to find out what book they will be reading next. I'll send over some prizes!

*Ginny said...

Well it wasn't my idea. Two of the girls asked me to help them start a book club. Next read is: "things not seen" by andrew clement.